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# Just a little something from my webiste
I hope you guys don't mind big posts, just thought you guys might appreciate some stuff from mah webby (www.squirrelspit.com)

In a vain attempt to escape my humdrum existence, give me something to write about and to give me pleasing waves of nostalgia glowyness I purchased a bag of green plastic soldiers.
I ripped open to bag and emptied the contents onto the table. There was a small army of poorly moulded machine gunners and two with flamethrowers; there was even a paper flag on a stand. I was impressed. I stood them all up around the cheap American flag with a grin and then realised something. What do you do with them after that? What is their purpose? They don’t have moving parts or batteries! I grabbed my empty glass of absinthe and hurled it through the pristine rows of plastic men. Knocking a couple onto the ground. I sat considering what to do next, when my brand new puppy Gringer (Yes it’s the same as He-Mans pet cat) came through the door and ate the soldiers like intestine flavour doggy treats. Much to my amusement the flame-thrower guy didn’t go down so easily and stuck in the pooch’s throat. I slurred at it “ Spit it out you stupid dog, you’ll choke ….dumb little fucker”.

I proceeded to watch the dog writhe in agony for the next 10 minutes periodically throwing up bloody vomit all over my kitchen lino. When it had stopped twitching I realised I had found a use for these useless toys of yesteryear. Animal deterrent.

I filled my hipflask with vodka and stuffed a handful of soldiers into my pocket. Half an hour later I was in the park at the duck pond. I cackled loudly as I hurled the soldiers into a cluster of ducks. They proceeded to fight over who got to die first.

Unfortunately the park keeper was watching my devious activities from behind a bin and wrestled me to the ground and beat me to death with his plastic nightstick before I could watch the results of the experiment. I couldn’t hear my own screams over the squawking and spluttering of the ducks so I count it as a success.

At a slightly over priced £2.99, I give plastic green soldiers 3 soggy prosthetic testicles out of 5 for their usefulness in pest control (this covers cats dogs llamas toddlers and other pesky animals of similar size).

Transcribed by trained snails onto a flagstone for Matthew Armitáge
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 23:58, archived)
# Hm
I like this...
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 23:59, archived)
# Do you ever feel like
the whole world is talking behind your back?

In other words - nice.
(, Tue 18 Feb 2003, 0:00, archived)
# Erm...
Wasn't He-Man's cat "Cringer"?

Nice story though, and the fact you died before the end adds a supernatural twist.

Now 'shop the flagstone. ;-)
(, Tue 18 Feb 2003, 0:02, archived)
# i dunno if it is a typo or not...
but He-Man's cat name is Cringer, not Gringer. remember, if you misname an animal, the animal must be euthanised, you cannot simply re-name it.
(, Tue 18 Feb 2003, 0:03, archived)
# :)
if you like these i'll post some more later :D
(, Tue 18 Feb 2003, 0:11, archived)
# hmm
one hopes no animals were harmed in the making of this documentary??? hmm?
(, Tue 18 Feb 2003, 0:24, archived)