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# stop being so bloody good.

any who, fancy a jaffegg cake?
(, Thu 26 Jun 2008, 16:06, archived)
# I saw, very nice :)
(, Thu 26 Jun 2008, 16:08, archived)
# i'm so tempted to actually make them
maybe i'll do it at the weekend, or maybe monday as mrs thor will be away.
(, Thu 26 Jun 2008, 16:12, archived)
# make 12, then buy a pack of Jaffa Cakes
remove the Jaffa Cakes and replace them with Jaffegg cakes, seal up the box and return it to the shop.

Then wait until someone buys them, follow them home, sit outside their window and watch until they open the pack and eat one.

At which point kick the door in and laugh in their face. Hard
(, Thu 26 Jun 2008, 16:15, archived)