I still don't know if there is a reason for it
Did someone blame abusing their wife on Stella once, or is it a random association?
HappyToast Groat froth,
Sun 31 Aug 2008, 22:05,
Years ago someone said..some experimenter that the liquid contains a chemical which elevates aggression.
(|D[ekionplexis B3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK,
Sun 31 Aug 2008, 22:08,
Don't talk to the spouse abuser!
riverghost servicing your mum since,
Sun 31 Aug 2008, 22:10,
That was weird..
I WAS going to say that..
He smacks her up sharp, but his japes are first class.
He giveth and taketh away.
I couldn't reply there for a second, I blame the lizard-people.
(|D[ekionplexis B3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK,
Sun 31 Aug 2008, 22:11,
riverghost servicing your mum since,
Sun 31 Aug 2008, 22:12,
I'd like to take this ooportunity to say that the 360 demo of 'The Force Unleashed'..
Is aces.
(|D[ekionplexis B3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK,
Sun 31 Aug 2008, 22:17,
I found it to be a bit flailing and wobbley
like most Lucas Arts games
HappyToast Groat froth,
Sun 31 Aug 2008, 22:19,
I liked it.
I don't really know of any good Star Wars based games.
(|D[ekionplexis B3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK,
Sun 31 Aug 2008, 22:23,
hmmm i hope this is sarcasm
jedi knight II was a great win
doph no time like the precedent,
Mon 1 Sep 2008, 0:32,
My own personal theory
Is to to with Streetcar Named Desire. Brando is shouting Stella, there's a bit of spousal abuse in the film, and he has a ripped vest thingy, which might be mistaken for the vest known as a wife-beater.
What do you think?
meat2veg hello!,
Sun 31 Aug 2008, 22:19,
sounds far too clever to be true ;)
HappyToast Groat froth,
Sun 31 Aug 2008, 22:23,