haha (must be her cooking)
They should do more conditional stuff with criminals.
We'll let you off going to jail but on the condition you wear this tight t-shirt with 'bum wrangler' written on it and you attend daily showings of Mamma Mia sing-alongs.
Zak McFlimby Twibbling @McFlimby,
Tue 16 Sep 2008, 12:10,
HappyToast Groat froth,
Tue 16 Sep 2008, 12:12,
I think anything that hurts people society perceives as bad is a good thing.
Maybe we should just shoot a family member of anyone found guilty of a crime.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob,
Tue 16 Sep 2008, 12:17,