Profile for Zak McFlimby:
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Best answers to questions:
[read all their answers]
- a member for 21 years, 11 months and 0 days
- has posted 10331 messages on the main board
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- has posted 75 messages on the talk board
- has posted 18 messages on the links board
- (including 5 links)
- has posted 64 stories and 12 replies on question of the week
- They liked 497 pictures, 19 links, 0 talk posts, and 5 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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Recent front page messages:
Oh do hurry up Phillip... we'll be late for the party.

Good 'ning all. Friiiiiiiiday! :)
(Fri 28th Aug 2009, 10:05, More)

Good 'ning all. Friiiiiiiiday! :)
(Fri 28th Aug 2009, 10:05, More)
If you think Twitter is shite now
you should have seen it before the Internet

(Thu 7th May 2009, 10:01, More)
you should have seen it before the Internet

(Thu 7th May 2009, 10:01, More)
Leooo... hurry up wiwlll ya?
There's a demo starting at 2!

Click for freepin' huge
(Thu 13th Oct 2005, 12:06, More)
There's a demo starting at 2!

Click for freepin' huge
(Thu 13th Oct 2005, 12:06, More)
Thanks to being inedible, the defenceless Stringbeastie existed peacefully for thousands of years...
until the arrival of a new species that marked the beginning of the end for these poor little creatures.

(Fri 14th Jan 2005, 14:13, More)
until the arrival of a new species that marked the beginning of the end for these poor little creatures.

(Fri 14th Jan 2005, 14:13, More)
I knew I made this for a reason!

...I just didn't know what it might be at the time.
(Fri 14th Jan 2005, 11:31, More)

...I just didn't know what it might be at the time.
(Fri 14th Jan 2005, 11:31, More)
It's a difficult decision that every parent of newborn twins must make...

EDIT: 100th FP! Thanks!
I'd like to retire now. Can I? Please. I've served my time. Please release me... let me goooo...
(Thu 8th Jul 2004, 14:26, More)

EDIT: 100th FP! Thanks!
I'd like to retire now. Can I? Please. I've served my time. Please release me... let me goooo...
(Thu 8th Jul 2004, 14:26, More)
Poor thing isn't very well today.
He has been blowing-chunks all morning.

(Sun 6th Jun 2004, 12:27, More)
He has been blowing-chunks all morning.

(Sun 6th Jun 2004, 12:27, More)
Back when I was a teenager,
my specially designed joystick gave me the edge over my friends.

(Tue 4th May 2004, 12:11, More)
my specially designed joystick gave me the edge over my friends.

(Tue 4th May 2004, 12:11, More)
If only she hadn't woken up...
he could have become a meerkat legend.

(Thu 12th Feb 2004, 11:17, More)
he could have become a meerkat legend.

(Thu 12th Feb 2004, 11:17, More)
Well... thats yer problem with yer matchstick men
and yer matchstick cats and dogs, sir.

(Thu 22nd Jan 2004, 16:00, More)
and yer matchstick cats and dogs, sir.

(Thu 22nd Jan 2004, 16:00, More)
perhaps the most alert and vigilant of all the animal kingdom.

(Sun 11th Jan 2004, 15:13, More)
perhaps the most alert and vigilant of all the animal kingdom.

(Sun 11th Jan 2004, 15:13, More)

I have the worst hangover I've ever had (at work). Any tips? I want to die.
edit: top tips - you lot really are hangover experts.
(Thu 8th Jan 2004, 9:54, More)

I have the worst hangover I've ever had (at work). Any tips? I want to die.
edit: top tips - you lot really are hangover experts.
(Thu 8th Jan 2004, 9:54, More)
Errr.... yeah. Thanks Q.
A useful addition.

Although Miss Moneypenny seems to like borrowing the company car more these days.
(Mon 10th Nov 2003, 10:53, More)
A useful addition.

Although Miss Moneypenny seems to like borrowing the company car more these days.
(Mon 10th Nov 2003, 10:53, More)
Now the monocle we could just about take
...but the beanie-hat was a step too far.

(Fri 26th Sep 2003, 11:03, More)
...but the beanie-hat was a step too far.

(Fri 26th Sep 2003, 11:03, More)
I'm afraid the accident was pretty serious,
...but if we can get him into theatre in time, we may just be able to save his sight.

(Tue 16th Sep 2003, 14:02, More)
...but if we can get him into theatre in time, we may just be able to save his sight.

(Tue 16th Sep 2003, 14:02, More)
The Rhinoceros: A majestic beast
...that should be treated with fear and respect.

edit: thanks! 50! Where has my life gone? It used to be around here somewhere
(Fri 12th Sep 2003, 10:57, More)
...that should be treated with fear and respect.

edit: thanks! 50! Where has my life gone? It used to be around here somewhere
(Fri 12th Sep 2003, 10:57, More)
Oh dear. There has been an accident
Somebody call a (particularly slow) ambulance!

(Tue 26th Aug 2003, 23:15, More)
Somebody call a (particularly slow) ambulance!

(Tue 26th Aug 2003, 23:15, More)
Look at that smug bastard
...with his model girlfriend and flashy car.

(Fri 25th Jul 2003, 15:04, More)
...with his model girlfriend and flashy car.

(Fri 25th Jul 2003, 15:04, More)
Scientists have made some alarming discoveries
whilst studying the cause of tourette's syndrome.

(Wed 2nd Jul 2003, 13:19, More)
whilst studying the cause of tourette's syndrome.

(Wed 2nd Jul 2003, 13:19, More)
Private Blake was about to play his very last practical joke on the men in his platoon

(Tue 24th Jun 2003, 9:54, More)

(Tue 24th Jun 2003, 9:54, More)
The conference was a huge success
but that may be something to do with the mini-pole-dancer on every delegate's table

(Thu 12th Jun 2003, 23:59, More)
but that may be something to do with the mini-pole-dancer on every delegate's table

(Thu 12th Jun 2003, 23:59, More)
A nice trip to the zoo

the images total less than 60k... thats ok isn't it?
edit: FP! Ta!
(Mon 2nd Jun 2003, 16:43, More)

the images total less than 60k... thats ok isn't it?
edit: FP! Ta!
(Mon 2nd Jun 2003, 16:43, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Horrible things I've done to a loved one
It wasn't pre-meditated,
but I was once rifling through the top-draw of junk looking for some money or something, when I came across a box. Without thinking (that's me!) I took out the box, turned to my girlfriend who was sat on the bed and went down on one knee.
"Yes??" *glee hands*
*opens box*
"Have you seen my cuff links? They're ace aren't they?"
I won't fully describe what happened next, but much tears and flouncing was involved (and that was just me).
They were ace cuff links though.
(Thu 16th Jun 2011, 13:48, More)
It wasn't pre-meditated,
but I was once rifling through the top-draw of junk looking for some money or something, when I came across a box. Without thinking (that's me!) I took out the box, turned to my girlfriend who was sat on the bed and went down on one knee.
"Yes??" *glee hands*
*opens box*
"Have you seen my cuff links? They're ace aren't they?"
I won't fully describe what happened next, but much tears and flouncing was involved (and that was just me).
They were ace cuff links though.
(Thu 16th Jun 2011, 13:48, More)
» When I met the parents
1st time I met my girlfriend's parents
there was a barrage of intense questioning within seconds of arriving
"Have you slept with Julie yet?"
"Do you treat her with respect in the bedroom?"
"Are you ever selfish in bed with her?"
"Have you ever had anal sex with Julie?"
Once they had answered my questions, I agreed to go in and have dinner with them.
(Thu 19th May 2005, 14:38, More)
1st time I met my girlfriend's parents
there was a barrage of intense questioning within seconds of arriving
"Have you slept with Julie yet?"
"Do you treat her with respect in the bedroom?"
"Are you ever selfish in bed with her?"
"Have you ever had anal sex with Julie?"
Once they had answered my questions, I agreed to go in and have dinner with them.
(Thu 19th May 2005, 14:38, More)
» Flirting
There's some daft person near me who's flirting with a tree!
On my commute to work, I drive past a tree that somebody keeps buying cards and flowers for!
I dunno what he/she sees in it - it's not even a particularly nice tree (it has a big scorched chunk taken out of one side of it!)
(Thu 18th Feb 2010, 13:57, More)
There's some daft person near me who's flirting with a tree!
On my commute to work, I drive past a tree that somebody keeps buying cards and flowers for!
I dunno what he/she sees in it - it's not even a particularly nice tree (it has a big scorched chunk taken out of one side of it!)
(Thu 18th Feb 2010, 13:57, More)
» Accidental animal cruelty
I used to have a very stupid dog.
To see if he was completely dense, we tried training him to do a few tricks (sit, roll-over, beg, give a paw etc.) with limited success.
One morning, he was dozing in his favourite spot on the landing at the top of the stairs.
As I passed him, I said "Hello boy! Roll over!" - expecting him to look blankly at me as normal, but on this occasion he performed with instant obedience and rolled-over.
All the way off the edge of the stairs.
And kept on (involuntarily) rolling-over down every stair until he landed at the bottom and learnt a new trick - play dead.
Fortunately, he was ok but I felt really guilty.
He wouldn't do tricks after that. (and I don't blame him).
(Thu 6th Dec 2007, 11:50, More)
I used to have a very stupid dog.
To see if he was completely dense, we tried training him to do a few tricks (sit, roll-over, beg, give a paw etc.) with limited success.
One morning, he was dozing in his favourite spot on the landing at the top of the stairs.
As I passed him, I said "Hello boy! Roll over!" - expecting him to look blankly at me as normal, but on this occasion he performed with instant obedience and rolled-over.
All the way off the edge of the stairs.
And kept on (involuntarily) rolling-over down every stair until he landed at the bottom and learnt a new trick - play dead.
Fortunately, he was ok but I felt really guilty.
He wouldn't do tricks after that. (and I don't blame him).
(Thu 6th Dec 2007, 11:50, More)