Your talent is now going to be removed by special operation and distributed amongst the talent-impoverished.
i.e. ME
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Fri 7 Nov 2008, 23:05,
i.e. ME

EDIT what's your beef with the daily fail? Aside from obvious issues of political leanings, that is...
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Fri 7 Nov 2008, 23:08,

Archie is co-ordinating the onslaught, I was assisting today as - shock of shocks - one of my pics was actually deemed nickable
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Fri 7 Nov 2008, 23:11,

I'm always quite chuffed when my stuff gets nicked (well, twice it's happened but hey!). But I guess people who do this kind of thing for a living will have more of an axe to grind.
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Fri 7 Nov 2008, 23:15,