But that works out as 4
Because multiplication is done before adding. You need more brackets: ((1/1)+1)*(1+1+1).
Norbert Lightowler,
Fri 19 Dec 2008, 17:01,
(1+1+1)*(1+1+1) = 9
I win.
If they allow powers, you can get 27 with
(1+1+1)^(1+1+1) = 3^3 = 3*3*3 = 9*3 = 27
Digeridude Lord Wellington's Beef Trapeze,
Fri 19 Dec 2008, 20:56,
That's nothing
I could make 111,111!
Ravenous Bugblatter Beast This content may not be working. Please try again.,
Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:24,