I know that case
The other side is transparent, isn't it? I have one too.
finnbar has officially retired,
Sun 15 Mar 2009, 15:01,
Mine does not
it has some ventilation holes in it though, for a third fan. I like the full-metal mesh.
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this,
Sun 15 Mar 2009, 15:06,
It's handy for checking that the motherboard power is on
finnbar has officially retired,
Sun 15 Mar 2009, 15:34,
It's always on, isn't it?
anyway, nice window!
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this,
Sun 15 Mar 2009, 15:50,
Not if the PSU fails
It is a bit gimmicky though.
finnbar has officially retired,
Sun 15 Mar 2009, 16:07,