Formula One becomes Mario Kart, Rugby becomes Speedball (2), and Football gets wiped from the collective consciousness for the good of society.
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 2:44,

but I'm quite partial to the other two sports.
Mind you. Having Japanese businessmen wank off in your face must be more interesting than rugby.
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 2:46,
Mind you. Having Japanese businessmen wank off in your face must be more interesting than rugby.

Golf, cricket and motor sports.
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 2:49,

Tennis, Basketball and Hockey.
I'm sure there are more but those are the ones that need a man and a big gun to officiate.
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 2:53,
I'm sure there are more but those are the ones that need a man and a big gun to officiate.

I used to go a lot. Pete Marron (Lancashire groundsman ) lives near and drinks with my old man and used to invite us a lot but he quit last year to do other things so I've not been motivated to go since .
( better fun as guest of Pete's than out in the crowd )
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 3:01,
( better fun as guest of Pete's than out in the crowd )

there's sod all worth watching in this city if you don't like football
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 3:11,

Match of the Day for example seems to largely consist of grown men whose only gift to civilisation was the ability to run around a field for prolonged periods of time, sit around in mourning for their lost talent and constantly talk about other people running around a field whilst reminiscing about some of the many fields they had run around.

i can put this down to the accident of you living too far north. isn't your son going to one of the best rugby schools in the country?
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 2:55,

Just never had any passion for it and can't comprehend why anyone would watch it on TV.
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 3:01,

some could sit down and explain football to from now until pretty much the end of time and i still won't get it
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 3:08,

Actually it was much better than love chess.

knights fighting knights was best as they went through the Black Knight Sketch
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 3:05,

Brutal Sports Football for instance was great, pretty much what you'd get if you crushed Blood Bowl and Speedball together.
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 3:08,

WinUAE works?
I have cloanto's Amiga forever and can get many old games working on it.
Dungeon Master was my staple. Plus the Cinemaware titles and I always enjoyed the point and click adventures like Legend of Kyrandia.
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 3:14,
I have cloanto's Amiga forever and can get many old games working on it.
Dungeon Master was my staple. Plus the Cinemaware titles and I always enjoyed the point and click adventures like Legend of Kyrandia.

Some games you just won't load, some the controller configuration just refuses to behave, others won't seem to run properly no matter what hardware specs you set. I tried Hunter just the other day, wouldn't cocking do anything. Compared to other system's emulator it seems worthless using the thing and not just dusting off the actual machine.
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Sun 29 Mar 2009, 3:25,