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# that would be an ideal outcome(except for the guys family)....
...but he'll probably just be moved to 'backroom duties'...and a caution.If high ranking police are only intent on cover-ups,wrongful imprisonment,manipulating crime figures etc.then there's little any 'good'cops can do except toe the line.Cops just seem intent on enforcing a stranglehold on ordinary folk.Laws come into force and no one even knows how.Lots of bad intent in the powers that be:(
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:57, archived)
# We'll have to wait and see what happens.
Also, laws are made by politicians, the Police just enforce them. I think it's the politicians you want for manipulating crime figures, too.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 19:59, archived)
# ^this^
it's a shit job and you get the blame for other people making up the stats. If it was me I'd go crazy ape with a baton in an instant
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:01, archived)
# you'll probably find that's where he came from
due to the numbers of rioters (and peaceful protestors) every copper had to step up that day and maybe he wasn't fully trained.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:01, archived)