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# Nice shop. I've had a quick look at HR 875, and there seem to be legitimate concerns.
Sure it's the USA, but I believe legislation with similar effects on 'indie' seed production was passed in the EU several years ago.

It's pretty easy for big business to pull off, I suppose. People are far-removed from food production, and think rather little about how it works. It takes quite a publicity campaign to shed light on what goes on. The same happened (for example) with the use of sweat shops in the clothing industry -- for many years no-one knew and no-one cared.

I'm sorry your post's garnered such a hostile reaction. It's an obscure subject (apparently), and with many people not knowing the background I suspect sympathy for your point of view will be rare.
Edit: oh, and humour/light-touch really really helps. Check out Beau Bo d'Or's posts! Lots of us are just here for the funnies.
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 20:04, archived)