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# yay for new camera equipment!
I bought myself a new digital single lens reflect camera yesterday
A blazin' Nikon D40 with the lens for only 250€!
EDIT: woo to the pics, of course
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:25, archived)
# shouldn't you have put it out first?
or did you buy it from the Blazin' squad?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:30, archived)
# I did try to put it out
but they noticed and nearly called the cops
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:32, archived)
# Wise purchase by the way
D40s is well cheap innit. And you can always trade in the body (of the camera) later and keep the lenses.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:42, archived)
# yeah, why not
although i recon the lens is crappier than the body
still, I must have some fun with it first hehehhhehe
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:05, archived)