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# Well, if he's not coming....
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 12:56, archived)
# I'm so pleased you're coming , chap
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 12:57, archived)
# Me too
Although I still have difficulty believing I'm doing such a thing.

I hope you all like awkward silences.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 12:58, archived)
# We'll cuddle you until you cheer up.
Well, I will.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 12:59, archived)
# :)
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 13:01, archived)
# I do I do I do
I'm the master of them
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 12:59, archived)
# *awkward high fives*
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 13:01, archived)
# you don't high five someone when it's awkward
a slight nod of the head between trembling, maybe... :P
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 13:03, archived)
# *lowers hand*

Well that was...awkward
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 13:04, archived)
# Told you I was good at it.
*sits in the corner*
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 13:12, archived)