yeah, your own private padded cell. They even bring your food to you in puree form, and some of the most mellow mind-altering drugs available everyday
(theoriginalsteve<this space intentionally left blank>,
Tue 4 Aug 2009, 16:07,
pretty much my dream house!
you'd be amazed, its "he'll do it syndrome" everyone assumes that somebody else has called the authoritys, i mean, how many times have you strode over a corpse and thought "meh, someone else has bound to have reported that"?
(tim1701I have no board signature!!!!!,
Tue 4 Aug 2009, 16:10,
Oh, every weekend in Glasgow.
(Crystal MagnetLike a diamond geezer, but better,
Tue 4 Aug 2009, 16:15,
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