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# yays
Are they of any theme in particular?

Also my sodding guests have Big Bother on again. I think what sums the entire thing up is that one girl just said, 'No the Queen's husband is dead. That's why we don't have a king.'

(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 18:49, archived)
# Haha
I like to think of Big Brother as taking people like that off the streets for a few months. It's a community service.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 18:52, archived)
# do they have internet access?
I'm waiting for one of them to be a lurker on here :D
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 18:53, archived)
# They are characters from Battlestar Galactica
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 18:54, archived)
# Haahaaa. How do people get these opinions? Is it just random neural activity causing their lips to flap?
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 18:55, archived)