You, sir, are on a roll
a mighty roll :)
edit: savvy use of the Harry Potter font, I see...
revmoola was thinking about a software problem,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 12:07,
It's a new one
Cheers, Got the idea from my other Moses one.
/boring rainy night in NZ, nothing to do but drink plonk and do silly pitchers. :)
PS Well spotted on the HP font.
Brian O'Blivion contains hazardous material,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 12:18,
A sausage roll
Clearly "fucksocks" was not the right incantation. More like "fuckimus sockiorum" and wave the staff a bit more.
octopuppy stinking up the place,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 13:24,