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# I can't see a dog.
Why am I not looking at a picture of your dog?
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 15:18, archived)
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 15:22, archived)
# Hahaha, I used to love them.
they're so stupid.
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 15:29, archived)
# and angry.
I liked the one where they raped and maimed a Nigerian Sales Woman.
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 15:32, archived)
# :-(
I preferred the one when they weared shoes.
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 15:38, archived)
# But where's the subtle social commentary?
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 15:40, archived)
They're so stupid.
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 15:46, archived)