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# 15 minutes for what?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:53, archived)
# Duck!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:54, archived)
# Goose!
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:55, archived)
# Damn.
Goose beats duck, doesn't it?
Or is that just fowl play?
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:56, archived)
# don't get in a flap about it...
I don;t need hen-pecking at this time of the morning...
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 9:58, archived)
# You're just chickening out.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:01, archived)
# stop egging me on.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:04, archived)
# 5 minutes left Barbie!

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:03, archived)
# FOR WHAT?????
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:13, archived)
# Oh dear. I think it's burnt.
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:12, archived)
# Ohhhhh, I'm slow this morning
(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 10:13, archived)