it's due to all the pizza
toppings oozing out of their pores. Sometimes they eat so much pizza that the body has nowhere left to store it. They're too fat to get up and go to the loo, so the food starts oozing out from various places.
100% Scientific fact.
Damocles wants no part of your debauchery,
Wed 6 Jan 2010, 15:20,
maybe that's Pizza Hut's trade secret(ion)
pzyko Query failed.,
Wed 6 Jan 2010, 15:23,
Hey, hey, hey. Science can be erotic too!
Don't make me try and remember who made the "science is sexy" pic that I have on my hard-drive.
Because I won't! Remember.
The Alchemist king of the needlessly complicated,
Wed 6 Jan 2010, 15:35,