cjcypher from United Kingdom is a male age 27 who is Straight. cjcypher has - Not Given - eyes, - Not Given - hair and is - Not Given - tall. He is Straight and is looking for somebody who is into Erotic Mail or Chat, One-on-One Sex.
Endowed: small
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Fri 29 Jan 2010, 21:56,
He wasn't given eyes, hair or height. No wonder he was so moody
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Fri 29 Jan 2010, 22:02,
cjcypher from United Kingdom is a male age 27 who is Straight. cjcypher has - teary - eyes, - greasy - hair and is - 3'4" - tall. He is Straight and is looking for somebody who is into Erotic Mail or Chat, One-on-One Sex. Endowed: small
Who "always spells his name with a capital CJ" mind you LOL.
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Fri 29 Jan 2010, 22:01,