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» Jul 2009 «

Pencils at the ready, take yourself back to when you were surrounded by Crayola and Corona fizzy pop and the world was full of some of the awesomest films ever.....
Logans Run, Barbarella, Zardoz, Soylent Green, Westworld, Sleeper, THX1138, Clockwork Orange, Omega Man, Rollerball and Invasion of the Bodysnatchers.
Star Wars, Star Trek and Alien are banned from this week, but I'll let you have Planet of the Apes if you want.
Draw stuff, or don't bother :)
Wed 15 Jul 2009, 16:00
Weekly Wednesday Draw Off - 70s Sci-Fi movies
Going: HappyToast, st-evo, LeightonJimbo (3 people).
( , Mon 13 Jul 2009, 8:31,
Weekly Wednesday Draw Off - 70s Sci-Fi movies
Going: HappyToast, st-evo, LeightonJimbo (3 people).
» Jul 2009 «