b3ta.com challenge: combine comics
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This is a challengeCombine Comics (This challenge is now closed)

combine comics

Show what happens when a comic character appears in a different strip, draw a comic strip in the style of another, make characters fight each other, monkey with the Marvel/Beano/Viz universe!

(, Thu 26 May 2016, 8:21)
Pages: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# turns out this one is actually happening

geeky comic news
(, Fri 27 May 2016, 21:54, More)

(, Fri 27 May 2016, 20:17, More)

(, Fri 27 May 2016, 15:34, More)
# Yoohoo!

(, Fri 27 May 2016, 15:22, More)

(, Fri 27 May 2016, 15:00, More)
# Bosh!

(, Fri 27 May 2016, 14:25, More)

(, Fri 27 May 2016, 12:44, More)
# Grrrrr...

(, Fri 27 May 2016, 10:52, More)
# Piggy Back

(, Fri 27 May 2016, 9:58, More)
# Judge Drake

(, Fri 27 May 2016, 9:21, More)
# L'Avenege, Ensemblé!*

*not even pretending to be a correct translation

(, Fri 27 May 2016, 9:12, More)
# You will have to click through as this strip is long and thin

Click for bigger (104 kb)

(, Fri 27 May 2016, 8:14, More)
# Jings!

(, Thu 26 May 2016, 23:06, More)

(, Thu 26 May 2016, 23:04, More)
# Hey that dummy can't hurt you! He's not even alive, he's dead!

(, Thu 26 May 2016, 22:32, More)
# And on the theme...

(, Thu 26 May 2016, 21:56, More)
# Psychiatric Help 5c

(, Thu 26 May 2016, 21:32, More)
# Nice hair.

(, Thu 26 May 2016, 20:42, More)
# was going to do the whole peanuts gang but got bored

also other than Woodstock as AntMan I couldn't make it particularly funny
(, Thu 26 May 2016, 19:28, More)
# Bunty apparently?

(, Thu 26 May 2016, 18:20, More)
Pages: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)