b3ta.com challenge: curry and cheese
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This is a challengeCurry and Cheese (This challenge is now closed)

curry and cheese

Curry and Cheese. Take these two delicious foodstuffs and squeeze them into song and movie titles: illustrate the lyrics, edit the cover art, whatever, just make sure you've got some spicy goodness or dairy heaven in there. When you are done photoshopping, stick the results on the board.

(Fri 2 May 2003, 12:20)
Pages: 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# Whatcha gonna do, brother?

(, Tue 6 May 2003, 16:35, More)
# Little-known Billy Joel classic

(, Tue 6 May 2003, 15:51, More)
# Of Rice and Nan

(, Tue 6 May 2003, 14:57, More)
# Tikka A Mockingbird

(, Tue 6 May 2003, 14:36, More)
# A Pearl & Dean Moment...
Cheesemongery: The profession of mongering cheese (see also: Cheesemongerer)

(, Tue 6 May 2003, 14:24, More)
# I know it was sposed to be cheese = film

But cheese = song was the best I could do...
(, Tue 6 May 2003, 14:15, More)
# ok, i admit it

i couldn't think of anything funny
(, Tue 6 May 2003, 14:05, More)
# Frottage cheese

Repost for comp.
(, Tue 6 May 2003, 14:02, More)
# Sequels are never as good

(, Tue 6 May 2003, 13:36, More)
# It's here... J2 Productions Brings You...

(, Tue 6 May 2003, 10:51, More)
# My first compo entry!!!

The downfall of man in the Garden of Edam
(, Tue 6 May 2003, 10:34, More)

(, Tue 6 May 2003, 10:34, More)
# the jarlsberg disaster isn't as well known as the hindenberg...

but they were cleaning it up for months!
(, Tue 6 May 2003, 7:50, More)
(, Tue 6 May 2003, 3:08, More)
# He could murder a curry..

(, Tue 6 May 2003, 1:48, More)
# Cheese and Curry!!! Together at last

(, Tue 6 May 2003, 1:29, More)
# And for main course I'll have a .....

(, Mon 5 May 2003, 22:30, More)
# gouda gouda hey!
this is my first post

it took me hours to do,
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 21:06, More)
# not very well done
and a crap joke but it made me titter

(, Mon 5 May 2003, 20:29, More)
# John's cheesy grin couldnt hold out much longer

(, Mon 5 May 2003, 20:29, More)
Pages: 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)