b3ta.com challenge: curry and cheese
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This is a challengeCurry and Cheese (This challenge is now closed)

curry and cheese

Curry and Cheese. Take these two delicious foodstuffs and squeeze them into song and movie titles: illustrate the lyrics, edit the cover art, whatever, just make sure you've got some spicy goodness or dairy heaven in there. When you are done photoshopping, stick the results on the board.

(Fri 2 May 2003, 12:20)
Pages: 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# Mmmm A Nice Chicken Bolty

WARNING - May Contain Nuts
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 14:57, More)
# piss poor effort but there you go...

Not been here for a while, how is everybody?
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 14:54, More)
# Been whistling this theme tune ever since I started this...

[edit] ooh! And it could star John Cheese!!!
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 14:44, More)
# Pirates
Danish Bluebeard?
... seem to be popular at the moment.
Cheese on the web, and specifically yarg.
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 14:37, More)
# ...

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 14:30, More)
# Cheese n curry

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 14:25, More)
# Is it?

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 14:21, More)
# bit of poetic license....

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 14:15, More)
# here's a huge mobius timespazee re-entry from me
very early compo entry re-entry
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 14:09, More)

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 14:08, More)
# I am so sorry...

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 14:02, More)
# .
Nuns? What nuns?
*Way* better than sex ...
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 13:59, More)
# Rice Rice Baby

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 13:55, More)
# Short and Brutal

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 13:55, More)

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 13:48, More)
# very poor

but the best you'll get out of me today.
I'm off for 3 weeks now, getting married next Friday - so you lot behave yourselves...
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 13:47, More)
# Popadums

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 13:47, More)
# Didnt even have to try this week... (mm thinking of more)
Cant believe they have this flavour

Ye John 'Pox on both your houses' Doe
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 13:45, More)
# paintmash rush-job

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 13:43, More)
Pages: 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)