b3ta.com challenge: curry and cheese
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This is a challengeCurry and Cheese (This challenge is now closed)

curry and cheese

Curry and Cheese. Take these two delicious foodstuffs and squeeze them into song and movie titles: illustrate the lyrics, edit the cover art, whatever, just make sure you've got some spicy goodness or dairy heaven in there. When you are done photoshopping, stick the results on the board.

(Fri 2 May 2003, 12:20)
Pages: 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# SO SO poor, but what the heck....

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 18:14, More)
# bored

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 18:14, More)
# Floaty cheese.

Evening all.
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 18:12, More)
# Collie and Rice

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 18:08, More)
# curry!

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 18:04, More)
# Not exactly spicy or cheesy but does contain dairy produce

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 18:04, More)
# cheese!

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 18:00, More)
# I cannot apologize strongly enough...

for this horrible pun, horribly composed. I'll be mercifully happy if nobody guesses it.
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 17:55, More)
# He was just an ordinary milkman doing his morning's delivery

Forgot the challenge was to do with cheese. Not milk. oh well
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 17:13, More)
# Straws / Clutching / etc

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 17:08, More)
# I'll get my goat
Click for gallery...
Hello, I'm a fish My Gallery

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 17:08, More)
# sorry

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 17:04, More)

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 17:01, More)

edit: phew!
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 16:59, More)
# Yummey.. my favourite

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 16:49, More)
# Korma Brothers presents...

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 16:48, More)
# oh no

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 16:46, More)
# ..

yeah.. very poor..
(, Fri 2 May 2003, 16:46, More)
# The Ambassador's receptions are noted throughout society for their host's exquisite taste

(, Fri 2 May 2003, 16:34, More)
Pages: 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)