b3ta.com challenge: photoshop the us election
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Home » Image Challenge » Photoshop the US Election  [Suggest a different challenge]

This is a challengePhotoshop the US Election (This challenge is now closed)

photoshop the us election

Americans go to the polls this week to elect a new leader of the free world, and it's our responsibility to make the entire process look as silly as possible. So that's the challenge.

(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 20:45)
Pages: 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# from his "progress" poster

Click for bigger (218KB)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:57, More)
# Soon be reality...

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 12:21, More)
# late and probably not very funny...

Click for bigger (179KB)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:51, More)
# Clicking is evil

Click for bigger (136KB)

Ist post ever. I feel sick now...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 11:49, More)
# It's licking me, get it off AAAAAAAARCH

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:43, More)
# It's going to take something like this...

...for him to win! Let's hope we don't see it!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:28, More)

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 10:03, More)
# ...

Same idea as yesterday, just different execution
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:46, More)
# mommy i'm scared to turn out the light.....

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:04, More)
# Americans go to the polls...

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 9:01, More)
# It's all too much

hmm that seems to work, odd, when I used img src it showed up OK in preview but didn't display on the board
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 2:58, More)
# lol

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 2:43, More)

(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 0:52, More)
# Mmmm nice idea
just cocked it up, still nice to look at before bed time i suppose...prolly ok for work being safe..
(, Mon 3 Nov 2008, 23:32, More)
# saw this on the way back from the shop

cfrpsb-ify :-
click for real photo sunday bigger -if you like

(, Mon 3 Nov 2008, 22:58, More)
# Hahaha *click*
Mind if I plop this here? Not worth its own thread.

thanks to Haku for source

(, Mon 3 Nov 2008, 22:34, More)
# for essential with love

(, Mon 3 Nov 2008, 22:28, More)
# Banjo Bama

(, Mon 3 Nov 2008, 22:19, More)
# And the prize for worst shop of the year goes to....

(, Mon 3 Nov 2008, 22:05, More)
# Must be as old as me to ride this post...

(, Mon 3 Nov 2008, 22:04, More)
Pages: 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)