b3ta.com challenge: photoshop the us election
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This is a challengePhotoshop the US Election (This challenge is now closed)

photoshop the us election

Americans go to the polls this week to elect a new leader of the free world, and it's our responsibility to make the entire process look as silly as possible. So that's the challenge.

(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 20:45)
Pages: 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# Sorry I'm just going to plank this here.

EDIT: Some lovely prespective work there.
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 10:58, More)
# Ralph Nader FTW!

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 10:55, More)

A goodbye animation to Bush... God Luv Ya, G. Dubya..!
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 10:52, More)
# What's that Sarah?
You want to Sweep the election?

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 10:51, More)

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 10:48, More)
# Mwahahahaha!!!

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 10:39, More)
# Need change, we do not.

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 10:35, More)
# Back at ya!

Given the amount of Palin/McCain lampoonery that's been going on I can sense this being quite a busy compo...

And while I'm at it...


(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 10:25, More)

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 10:25, More)
# noooooooooooooooo!

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 10:08, More)
# Think I'm going for the former...
still carrying a bit of a hangover so some gentle b3taing and a bottle of vitamin water to get me over the worst of it, then work the nuts off all afternoon.

In the meantime I'll pea these up for teh compo. Usual plaudits to Wow and Jesse.

Cap'n's original

Rev's original

Cap'n's pic

Jesse's pic
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 9:58, More)
# New tactics Mccain

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 9:53, More)
# haha :D

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 9:29, More)
# Damn those Dyslexic Designers!

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 9:23, More)
# Been done?

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 9:16, More)
# Some morning silliness containing neither Obama, McCain or Palin

'Lo folks :)
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 8:56, More)
# Oh yeh...

...A-a-and I'm spent.
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 8:53, More)
# All pile on then:

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 8:52, More)
# Pearoast for compo
It wasn't funny the first time either.

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 8:51, More)
# I may aswell pea here too!

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 8:48, More)
Pages: 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)