Pure B3ta to the core.
And because I don't want to move it down the board I'll post my little link here. Ace reporter gets a real scoop and the quote of the century. He is only 12 days late and Nicola is now legendary around here:
TheSundaeLunch I'm a fucking shrub, alright?, Sat 16 Nov 2013, 16:28,
Adam Binnie gets all the best scoops, lucky bugger.
Dawn Of The Bread $$$$ E-THUG 4 LIFE - THAT'S HOW I SCROLL $$$$, Sat 16 Nov 2013, 16:33,
That is why he is
SENIOR reporter. Imagine the mess a junior could have made of that story.
TheSundaeLunch I'm a fucking shrub, alright?, Sat 16 Nov 2013, 16:35,
I don't even want to think about it.
Dawn Of The Bread $$$$ E-THUG 4 LIFE - THAT'S HOW I SCROLL $$$$, Sat 16 Nov 2013, 16:39,
haha excellent
The Twisted Omentum vidi vici veni, Sat 16 Nov 2013, 16:44,
Sometimes I feel
like Alice in Wonderland with all the crazy things that happen here.
TheSundaeLunch I'm a fucking shrub, alright?, Sat 16 Nov 2013, 17:04,
never a dull moment
The Twisted Omentum vidi vici veni, Sat 16 Nov 2013, 17:10,