Profile for The Twisted Omentum:
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- a member for 17 years, 3 months and 11 days
- has posted 13639 messages on the main board
- (of which 121 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 15 messages on the talk board
- has posted 156 messages on the links board
- (including 63 links)
- has posted 69 stories and 32 replies on question of the week
- They liked 701 pictures, 36 links, 0 talk posts, and 21 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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Recent front page messages:

....if this psycho had been around in 1945.....
(Thu 20th Feb 2025, 21:36, More)

....if this psycho had been around in 1945.....
(Thu 20th Feb 2025, 21:36, More)
Rod Hull and Emo

(I am over 50 I don't give a shit if Goths and Emos are different)
(Thu 16th Nov 2017, 15:11, More)

(I am over 50 I don't give a shit if Goths and Emos are different)
(Thu 16th Nov 2017, 15:11, More)
See the Pope's farewell gig?? Great concert !!

edit; thanks all and ta beaucoup for teh FP !! :-)
(Wed 27th Feb 2013, 19:02, More)

edit; thanks all and ta beaucoup for teh FP !! :-)
(Wed 27th Feb 2013, 19:02, More)
no reason
Hugeness 320k
..other than the original is going to Shrewsbury Hospital to say thanks for looking after my Mum
(Wed 29th Aug 2012, 16:53, More)

..other than the original is going to Shrewsbury Hospital to say thanks for looking after my Mum
(Wed 29th Aug 2012, 16:53, More)
Go on Adele - stick one on 'im !!

linky for full version
(Thu 23rd Feb 2012, 17:41, More)

linky for full version
(Thu 23rd Feb 2012, 17:41, More)
Probably bindun

I guess the words could go on the back of a T Shirt
(Sat 15th Aug 2009, 12:46, More)

I guess the words could go on the back of a T Shirt
(Sat 15th Aug 2009, 12:46, More)
Sorry McToyboy - had to because of Hedgehog's "Lolmuslims" challenge suggestion

(Mon 1st Jun 2009, 20:56, More)

(Mon 1st Jun 2009, 20:56, More)
Did this years ago - hence the fax rather than a scanner

thought you might like!
(Thu 27th Nov 2008, 18:38, More)

thought you might like!
(Thu 27th Nov 2008, 18:38, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Bastard Colleagues
I won't go into detail......
about the tosser himself, but let's just say he was my boss at the time and an expert at jumping on shoulders when there was credit to be claimed and disappearing when something went wrong.
Amyway I had been developing a successful client relationship with a client (obviously) when they asked me to pitch for a large piece of work. Along I went and we won the job. We arranged a meeting for the following week to sign the contract and this git said he would come along to put "names to faces".
Yep you guessed it - when we got back he claimed he'd won the work etc and claimed (and got) all the credit.
I was not happy (!) but he knew nothing about computers so when he was away from his desk I went into the "autocorrect" function in Microsoft Word on his machine and set it so everytime he typed in his surname ("SINGER") it changed it to "WANKER". He went mental - espcially as he sent out several letters without noticing.
Revenge can be sweet.
(Thu 24th Jan 2008, 16:39, More)
I won't go into detail......
about the tosser himself, but let's just say he was my boss at the time and an expert at jumping on shoulders when there was credit to be claimed and disappearing when something went wrong.
Amyway I had been developing a successful client relationship with a client (obviously) when they asked me to pitch for a large piece of work. Along I went and we won the job. We arranged a meeting for the following week to sign the contract and this git said he would come along to put "names to faces".
Yep you guessed it - when we got back he claimed he'd won the work etc and claimed (and got) all the credit.
I was not happy (!) but he knew nothing about computers so when he was away from his desk I went into the "autocorrect" function in Microsoft Word on his machine and set it so everytime he typed in his surname ("SINGER") it changed it to "WANKER". He went mental - espcially as he sent out several letters without noticing.
Revenge can be sweet.
(Thu 24th Jan 2008, 16:39, More)
» Heroes and villains of 2011
Hero - Fresh Water Mole for giving us Jeremy the annoying horse
Villain - E Dubya for ALWAYS getting loads more clicks than me :)
(Fri 30th Dec 2011, 16:07, More)
Hero - Fresh Water Mole for giving us Jeremy the annoying horse
Villain - E Dubya for ALWAYS getting loads more clicks than me :)
(Fri 30th Dec 2011, 16:07, More)
» Happy 10th Birthday B3ta
I got me B3ta name (and indeed the name I use for all toons ect) when I was quite badly ill. I did not know it but a blood clot was travelling through me veins and ended up blocking the flow to the Greater Omentum (we all have one - except me now). Anyway it became twisted, went gangrenous and major surgery removed it (see pic at bottom of profile). Scary bit is the blood clot could easily have ended up in the heart and - well..
Anyway - Twisted Omentum was adopted. I needed a lot of time off after the surgery and Wifey (a long tuime lurker) suggested I have a lookey. First post was a cartoon of Tony Christie asking a stupid question. Never looked forward since. Ta B3ta. You saved my sanity when I was losing it then took it when I was off guard :)
(Mon 12th Sep 2011, 21:01, More)
I got me B3ta name (and indeed the name I use for all toons ect) when I was quite badly ill. I did not know it but a blood clot was travelling through me veins and ended up blocking the flow to the Greater Omentum (we all have one - except me now). Anyway it became twisted, went gangrenous and major surgery removed it (see pic at bottom of profile). Scary bit is the blood clot could easily have ended up in the heart and - well..
Anyway - Twisted Omentum was adopted. I needed a lot of time off after the surgery and Wifey (a long tuime lurker) suggested I have a lookey. First post was a cartoon of Tony Christie asking a stupid question. Never looked forward since. Ta B3ta. You saved my sanity when I was losing it then took it when I was off guard :)
(Mon 12th Sep 2011, 21:01, More)
» Accidental innuendo
Bum Bags
Shopping with now 'Americanised' sister-in-law, we pop into Boots the chemist for some Bonjela. Handing it over the assistant asked politely, 'would you like a bag for that?', to be told, cheerfully,
'No, I'll squeeze it in my Fanny Pack.'
(Fri 13th Jun 2008, 17:51, More)
Bum Bags
Shopping with now 'Americanised' sister-in-law, we pop into Boots the chemist for some Bonjela. Handing it over the assistant asked politely, 'would you like a bag for that?', to be told, cheerfully,
'No, I'll squeeze it in my Fanny Pack.'
(Fri 13th Jun 2008, 17:51, More)
» The Best / Worst thing I've ever eaten
not eaten but drank....
We had a competition a fewyears back to see who could find the worst bottle of wine. Everyone brought their entries to the house and the taste tests began. Our entry - a Kosher pasturised wine die well but the winner was an Iraqi Rose called Flower of Bagdad. It was like Satan himself pissing down your throat.
As for the worst thing............... :P
(Sun 29th May 2011, 14:10, More)
not eaten but drank....
We had a competition a fewyears back to see who could find the worst bottle of wine. Everyone brought their entries to the house and the taste tests began. Our entry - a Kosher pasturised wine die well but the winner was an Iraqi Rose called Flower of Bagdad. It was like Satan himself pissing down your throat.
As for the worst thing............... :P
(Sun 29th May 2011, 14:10, More)