I can understand the woman being mentally damaged by the event and irrationally seeking blame elsewhere
but I can't understand why a lawyer would tell her yes, that sounds like a perfectly acceptable legal action, lets do it.
HappyToast Groat froth, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 15:41,
Very much this^
miss fortunate last posted ages ago, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 15:46,
because they're money grabbing cunts
Rebel biscuit stercore sumus et nos esse novimus, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 16:07,
^this with fucking bells on
Where there's blame...
Jeccius Steam Borderlands 2 junkie, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 18:58,
ding ding
Littlesirjohn sprung up his head and so amazed them all., Sun 27 Apr 2014, 19:07,
Because the lawyer
earns a fee win or lose?
Cpl. Nobby Nobbs, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 17:39,