Fuck me, even Stevie Wonder could see that's a fake, hardly needs an inquisition.
Dawn Of The Bread $$$$ E-THUG 4 LIFE - THAT'S HOW I SCROLL $$$$, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 21:21,
hahhaa i fell for it.
RudieSeventyOne The self styled king of un-originality since, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 21:21,
Sozzers :-(
Dawn Of The Bread $$$$ E-THUG 4 LIFE - THAT'S HOW I SCROLL $$$$, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 21:26,
hardly needs..
some twat with a wordpress site pretending to be a proper hack pointing it out also ;)
Oswald Mosley (((triggering))) right wing cunts on, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 21:37,
What a cunt
"About Michael Rawlins
Working on WordPress & digital engagement by day. Hyperlocal blogger and photographer by night. Ninja assassin at weekends (call for rates)"
Fadgebadger Sweaty sumo wanks for everyone!, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 22:13,
as in blogs about what goes on around his chair ;)
Oswald Mosley (((triggering))) right wing cunts on, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 22:16,