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This is a normal post But why challenge one's beliefs by listening to that guy?
Milo Yiannopoulos is a complete charlatan. He's a media whore who has tweeted and blogged himself into existence. He has no qualifications and little to no experience as a journalist. His driving force has been his desire for media attention. Throughout his short career his values change depending on whatever will gain him the most media attention. He hit it big with gamergate. Despite not playing games himself and having previously called gamers sad and pathetic basement dwellers, it was the perfect venue for his self promotion. It was contrarian, shallow, vicious and had easy targets. Then predictably onto Breitbart 'news' then this alt-right cesspool. He's an egotistical media personality who believes in nothing but himself.
(, Fri 17 Jun 2016, 18:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post I have very little interest in him
but he doesn't take centre stage on this podcast. In fact, Milo doesn't come across that well when he opens his mouth.

A better one, I suppose, would be Doug's chats with Sam Harris, who is thoughtful and interesting: https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/on-the-maintenance-of-civilization
(, Fri 17 Jun 2016, 18:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post I do respect Douglas Murray quite a lot, he is certainly very challenging
But he demeans himself when he pals up with people like that. I understand that people often need to take whatever platform is available for them to air their views sometimes. Plenty of people, of whatever political stripe, dislike the BBC but will go on it nevertheless. But I cannot believe that a man of Murray's intelligence and media experience doesn't know what Yiannopoulos is all about. He's enabling him and promoting a fraud. He seems comfortable with that.
(, Fri 17 Jun 2016, 19:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yes, actually
You're right. He argues against useless tossers far too much. He's on that Nicky Campbell show and debating Yasmin Alibhia-Brown every other day.
(, Sat 18 Jun 2016, 3:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post Well I finally got around to listening to it.
Yiannopoulos is insufferable. Murray was good as usual.
(, Sat 18 Jun 2016, 11:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think I agree with all of that.
I find breitbart a bit too much at times myself. However it's interesting you describe him as a contrarian. Again, I don't necessarily disagree, but it does imply that those who don't subscribe to an orthodox consensus should be silenced, which I disagree with.
(, Fri 17 Jun 2016, 19:09, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm not advocating silencing anyone
My point is he's a contrarian for reasons of self promotion. He's views do not just happen to be contrarian, he has chosen to be contrarian because it promotes him as a media and cultural personality. I've no doubt that were he to have been born into a different generation, he would have been a beatnik, a merry prankster, a punk or even a PC warrior of the 90's. All out of expediency.
(, Fri 17 Jun 2016, 19:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post fair enough.
But I do like seeing smug, arrogant and complacent twats having their Weltanschauung challenged. It's just a shame he does it in such a highly provocative and obnoxious way.
(, Fri 17 Jun 2016, 19:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post Don't get me wrong, I love a bit of that too, I wish it was coming from someone better too.
I'm so glad I graduated before all of this nonsense on campuses. At the last open debate I attended at a uni was about Syria, the first question from the audience was from an 18 year old girl (ostensibly cis gender female) who complained about the slight gender imbalance in the panel. I almost cracked a tooth from grinding. It was a fucking embarrassment.
(, Fri 17 Jun 2016, 20:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post I hear you brother.
Campuses have gone mental.
(, Fri 17 Jun 2016, 20:35, , Reply)