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This is a normal post Booze and a genuine disdain for all 'self-diagnosed' aresholes and the twats that 'enable' them.
Kill 'em all and make Britain Great again.
(, Sun 2 Apr 2017, 14:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post Now listen
My son has apparently been diagnosed with autism, as in, he's on the autism spectrum. He's 4 years old nearly 5, and he won't do a fucking thing me or my good wife tell him to, it's the god's honest truth a fucking ordeal anytime he's instructed to do something, (stop hitting the dog !!!). Apparently it's counter productive to beat them, parenting
is an absolute fucking mug's game, an honest to god fucking mug's game.
(, Sun 2 Apr 2017, 22:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post Man the fuck up and give him a slap.
'counter-productive' my arse. Children are NOT miniature adults. Reason doesn't work, discipline does. Generations of GOOD parents have smacked their children for the simple reason that IT FUCKING WORKS.
(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 2:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post Didn't work for my brother.
Both he and I were beaten. Had an effect on me. No effect on him. He grew up to beat his wife, go to prison, and has now dissappeared from our radar. Perhaps my parents should just have beaten him harder?
(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 8:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post Perhaps you should have joined in.

(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 13:06, , Reply)