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Got the usual tramadon and dyhydrocodien but over the last year and bit it has gone onto liquid morphine and slow release morphine tablets
forget almost everything with that combo
(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 14:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post Friend of mine was on the morphine for pain release whilst being treated for throat cancer.
Was very unpleasant by all accounts.
In the end treated her own pain by using hash brownies which seemed to work quite well.
(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 14:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post Morphine is a bit shit really. Totally overrated.
Last year I completely fuckered my collarbone. 'Severely Comminuted Fracture' was the medical terminology, but I prefer 'fuckered'.
Anyway, before they put the big metal plate in my shoulder to hold everything in place as it healed, they had to physically re-align the two intact pieces of my clavicle. This wouldn't have been terribly bad if it wasn't for the fact that they had let the break sit loose for two weeks to see if by some miracle the bones would knit together without medical intervention. So when the time came for my surgery, the two splintered ends had already begun to heal themselves into stumps, which then required grinding down to lovely fresh bare bone and blood vessels.

The pain when I woke up from the surgery was hell. Easily the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life, and I've injured myself a lot. They ended up mainlining morphine into my arm from a big syringe until I'd reached the limit the hospital were permitted to give a patient. The pain subsided a bit, but not nearly as much as I hoped. Probably due to my history of rather enthusiastic and prolonged substance abuse, I had built up a pretty measurable tolerance to opioids and depressants which meant that the morphine did little more than take the edge off and make me feel really sick.

I'd have much rather just had some delicious pre-meds again :(
(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 15:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post I've heard heroine is where it is at.

(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 15:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's a bit more-ish though.

(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 16:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post Mindpiss

(, Mon 3 Apr 2017, 17:38, , Reply)