They wear blindfolds
Like when the unmistakable Salvador Dali was on.
He was fun, 'coz he said "yes" to pretty much everything; he's done pretty much everything.
SockCooker ПТН ПНХ, Mon 16 Jul 2018, 19:11,
They didn't seem to wear them in this
"I don't know what you do but you look too beautiful to work"
unclepills Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think., Mon 16 Jul 2018, 21:05,
Yes that's because it's from before he was well known.
pineapplecharm D d M Y, H:i, Mon 16 Jul 2018, 22:49,
A ha! so do i win five pounds?
unclepills Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think., Tue 17 Jul 2018, 12:50,