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This is a link post I've been coming here for years
♫ BuuuuUUUUUT ♫, every B3TAAAN knows exactly what Im SAAAYIN when I post this crap ♫

(, Thu 29 Oct 2020, 3:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post i don't

(, Thu 29 Oct 2020, 6:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post I never thought the day would come id agree with Hitlar.
But, what he said.
(, Thu 29 Oct 2020, 7:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post "when characters in musicals transition from speaking to singing"
have added some musical notes to help you make the connection between my introduction and the tweet's title (and repeated subject), which, like the Big Bang Theory before it, will enhance its mildly humorous self-reference by signposting it
(, Thu 29 Oct 2020, 11:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post now do some dogs getting run over by cars or reaction videos of people getting cancer diagnoses

(, Thu 29 Oct 2020, 10:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post Nah, that's just a sad story.

(, Thu 29 Oct 2020, 10:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post every B3TAAAN knows exactly what Im SAAAYIN when I post this crap

(, Thu 29 Oct 2020, 15:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post bit derivative, but that's your oeuvre

(, Fri 30 Oct 2020, 3:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post You think a verbatim quote, copied and pasted, is derivative, but that’s your feeble intellect.
You usually just make up quotes, but that’s your mendacious nature.
Congratulations, you’re qualified for political office.
(, Fri 30 Oct 2020, 8:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post hahaha, you used mendacity last time you got in a tizzy with me
you're derivative even when you're defending yourself against being derivative. or maybe you've only just discovered its meaning and want to show off the big word you learned at every opportunity. haha, don't ever change, prufock. you're my favourite upset mentallist here, don't let sockcooker tell you different. ahh, mercy
(, Fri 30 Oct 2020, 12:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post Tizzy? A respective word count of our exchanges paint a clearer picture of who gets their knickers in a twist.

(, Fri 30 Oct 2020, 19:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post says the permanently upset mentallist attempting yet another failed attack
what was the one above in response to, a post about some chess pieces?
Like your grasp of lexical semantics, your word count defence could you use a little work. such sustained seething jealousy is quite remarkable.
(, Fri 30 Oct 2020, 21:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post not the goto guy for videos of crippling injuries with little else to commend them, sorry
try the snuff merchant over yonder
(, Thu 29 Oct 2020, 12:02, , Reply)