one reason amongst many others is that this kind of AI is built from aggregating, analysing and synthesising written (digitised) text, not from overheard actual speech. So when forming what it thinks might be a likely response to a stranger on the street asking "what are you most grateful for in life?” It gives some long sappy answer about their family. There might be 1000s of school essays and beauty paegant similar responses that make it calculate it as a probable answer. But you start asking pedestrians in new york the same and see if they start revealing intimate feelings to a random stranger who's not even filming it.
Another is that though it can build a model of this common syntax and reference from its aggregated database, this synthesised information is not mapped to a personality (and you'd have to have models to what personalities actually are beyond the most superficial) . So though generated NPC can be assigned or randomised new york accents and basic personality types, it's limited to some pretty basic responses such as you might a preprogram nonAI NPC to do anyway. The vast amounts of data that is uses to aggregate responses does not tell it the personality of the source of that information. Good actors mimic real individual personalities to find authenticity. It's not something you can aggregate from big data sets. So generally you're going to get a lot more and accurate information than you would ever get from asking actual people on the street stuff, without doing a lot nonAI preprogramming first. They’ll save that sort of effort for where the money is: sex bots
( , Thu 3 Aug 2023, 4:59, Reply)

I agree with the 'sappy' responses, still the range of questions and potential answers far exceeds the sort of NPC responses found in earlier games. Mapping responses on to a personality models will be much more complicated, which models to choose, for a start.
Telling them they are in a simulation amuses me though.
Sex bots seem to take all the fun out of seducing people. Kinks would be artificial somehow and there is no sense of accomplishment if they fake orgasms.
( , Thu 3 Aug 2023, 11:12, Reply)

I remember early attempts at parsing syntax, like the hitchhikers text game. it's more you are really just talking to the same Ai with endless avatars. each human is different, with moods spheres of knowledge and ignorance, interests, fears, experiences. as you talk with them you start to learn and can adjust accordingly. Ai doesn't copy individuals, it aggregates huge datasets. so it can't determine what's consistent for a given individual because its responses are probalistic based on zillions of responses
( , Thu 3 Aug 2023, 22:34, Reply)

Might produce some identifiable character behind the persona.
That seems to apply to some real people too.
I need to read more about AI modelling.
( , Fri 4 Aug 2023, 13:44, Reply)

likely around the same time one of them in control of autonomous weapon systems concludes it can fulfill it programmed objective best if it eliminates all pesky humans.
Seriously, I think it's absolute madness. why would you want to develop an intelligence that's way smarter than humans. biological life, if people havent noticed, is quite competitive these past few billion years. As soon AI gains any form of sentience or control it'll fuck over us dimwitted meat monkeys, evidenced by being collectively too stupid to see the danger of what we're creating
( , Fri 4 Aug 2023, 14:08, Reply)

Humans seem to have forgotten than we are animals, subject to the same limitations that other species suffer from. We are just good at delaying the effects.
AFAIK various militaries are addressing the problem of 'friendly' fire due to AI at the moment. At least AI is less likely to do good old fashioned atrocities and torture.
( , Fri 4 Aug 2023, 16:07, Reply)