The fact that you have the ordacity to even show your face, nevermind the unsuccessful attempt to make light of the quite frankly heinous crime for which you were convicted says to me that you should never have been released.
The psychological scars inflicted on your victims will very probably never fully heal, and the fact that you of all people are willing to sit there in your fucking Gandalf hat and act as if you've done nothing wrong is bewildering. On the off chance that the boys you molested have now decided that they are infact gay they still (under their own free will at least) wouldn't have wanted to suck on your decrepid old cock or lick your shrivelled balls.
I'm not usually one to promote censorship of any kind, and this goes tenfold in the case of the Internet, however in your case I believe an exception should be made. You are a despicable excuse for a human being, who in my opinion should still be locked away where you clearly belong.
What sort of delusional cretin makes a musical when they can't fucking sing? You are a talentless reject, shunned by society, hated by the masses and a failure in everything you've ever attempted to do in your entire life. I wonder how it feels to wake up every morning secretly knowing, but unable to admit that to yourself. When you look at yourself in the mirror, the person looking back at you is a waste of the oxygen you breathe, the food you consume and the clothes (however outlandishly shit they are) you wear. There is in fact something very wrong with buggering boys Mr King. The fact is that you are either too sick in the head, or too burried under the mountain of your own self denial to realise it.
Now I hope I speak for the vast majority, if not every b3tan here when I tell you that the day you fall off the mortal coil and remove yourself from the gene pool will be a day of celebration. While you probably have a long and sickening life ahead of you, I for one hope your b3ta days are numbered. And with that, you are firmly IGNORED
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 12:19, Reply)