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This is a normal post "apart from parroting the opinions you see around you? "
Where do you get off telling people that? You really do consider yourself some sort of guru dont ya?
(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 16:41, Reply)
This is a normal post far from it
but I have gotten off my arse and examined the facts for myself and provided sources for my allegations


like I said have you actually bothered to examine what your talking about before you slag off so called "911 truthers" ?
(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 16:43, Reply)
This is a normal post You self important, sanctimonious little bleeder
I really do keep hoping you are a parody....
(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 16:45, Reply)
This is a normal post fair enough

I guess either people are bothered to look into it for themselves, or they're not

"All truth passes through three stages

First, it is ridiculed

Second, it is violently opposed

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 16:51, Reply)
This is a normal post
don't toss pearls to swines, they care not for what they eat. ;)
(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 17:59, Reply)
This is a normal post haha
I'm so nicking that!
(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 20:18, Reply)
This is a normal post That's 'truth'.
Edit: wait... you're actually using that to claim that being ridiculed is evidence that you're right?
(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 18:27, Reply)
This is a normal post ha
we've all seen loose change mate
(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 18:40, Reply)
This is a normal post you'd the the funniest guy on b3ta
if you weren't actually serious.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 16:46, Reply)
This is a normal post cocktoberfest is that way way way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 18:05, Reply)