Is it just me?
or does everyone get that?
TheSundaeLunch I'm a fucking shrub, alright?, Tue 23 Mar 2010, 19:39,
I get Peter Pan
after all, why do you think the lost boys never grew old, eh?
Frozen_Banana Shaved against the grain; thoroughly unrewarding., Tue 23 Mar 2010, 19:40,
I haven't
commited a mass murder in ages. Just lazy. :D
TheSundaeLunch I'm a fucking shrub, alright?, Tue 23 Mar 2010, 19:42,
you need to get out more
The Twisted Omentum vidi vici veni, Tue 23 Mar 2010, 19:45,
You make the oompa loompa (screw consistent spelling) sad
P.S. What's a polite way of saying "would"? The internet has destroyed my eloquence.
Frozen_Banana Shaved against the grain; thoroughly unrewarding., Tue 23 Mar 2010, 19:45,
The polite way
of a man saying 'would' works about as well as the polite way of a woman saying 'I'm sure you would, but i wouldn't in a million years' ;)
TheSundaeLunch I'm a fucking shrub, alright?, Tue 23 Mar 2010, 19:49,
back to grunting it is!
Frozen_Banana Shaved against the grain; thoroughly unrewarding., Tue 23 Mar 2010, 19:53,
You know it
makes sense! Right, I'm making dinner!
TheSundaeLunch I'm a fucking shrub, alright?, Tue 23 Mar 2010, 19:55,