You must have gone to the same school as me!
Blackdogmanguitar is out with Fat Larry's Jazz Band on, Tue 11 Jan 2011, 13:04,
That depends
For games afternoons did you get the choice of:
1) Rugby
2) Cross Country which involved being dumped at the top of Ilkley Moor in the middle of winter and being told to find your way back to the school minibus while the teacher sat in said minibus smoking cigarettes, drinking whiskey from a hip flask and nodding off.
shitkicker, Tue 11 Jan 2011, 13:21,
No :(
Sounds like a good teaching job though!
Blackdogmanguitar is out with Fat Larry's Jazz Band on, Tue 11 Jan 2011, 14:17,
Grammar Schools attract the best teachers
shitkicker, Tue 11 Jan 2011, 14:21,