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This is a normal post Strange as it may sound, I've had a twinge of sympathy for him for the last nine years
'cos as if being classed as one of the music industry's main nerds isn't
bad enough, his birthday's September 11th. When he's trying to celebrate
the rest of America's mourning.
(, Wed 16 Feb 2011, 12:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post Unless he planned it as a publicity stunt,
that subsequently got slightly out of hand.
(, Wed 16 Feb 2011, 13:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post brilliant.
if we were talented like on main board we would have a collage of moby's head on hulk hogan's body about now... *imagines*
(, Wed 16 Feb 2011, 13:55, , Reply)