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This is a normal post So basically it's not their fault. It's ours for not carrying them out of that situation?
You can wring your hands in guilt buy i'm not going to.
I grew up on poor estates and along with many others
didn't turn to being a worthless thieving scrote.

So life didn't deal you a perfect hand? You work to improve it.
Like those poor sods that worked to build their own business
only to have their life's work pissed away because some cunt didn't
want to pay for his can of stella.

And yes. I am better than "those" people. Better because I made myself better.

You think you have it bad growing up under Cameron?
I had Thatcher, national strikes, poll tax (proper riots) and mutually assured nuclear fucking destruction.
Mass unemployment, crap food and god damn fucking mullets.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 10:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post It isn't about 'fault' or 'blame'.
It's about examining and understanding how subcultures like 'chavs' and 'neds' come about in the first place.

He's not trying to relieve them of responsibility, just acknowledging that the situation is more complex than a bunch of idiots deciding to go out looting and pillaging. The article (and teh gman) points to many different root causes.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 10:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post I didn't say it wasn't their fault for rioting.
Clearly if you are in a riot then you are the one rioting. If you murder someone you are a murderer.

I simply believe that before you condemn someone you should seek to understand the causes. It is very easy to say "they did it because they are bad people" but that still leaves the question of "why are they bad people?".

If society wants to prevent this nonsense from happening in the future then it is necessary to understand and learn from the circumstances that created it.

Simply saying "they are crims BANG EM UP" might do away with the individual perpetrators but it doesn't solve the problems which created the criminal behaviour and we will inevitably see a repeat of the riots again and again until those problems are solved.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 10:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post You could apply the same reasoning to pedophiles
In fact more so if sexual orientation turns out to be nature rather than nurture.

If someone that has cravings for sex with children releases that this is not
acceptable to society decides to get help and has not hurt anyone else.
Then more power to them.

However, if they decide to act on their urges knowing fore well that it's wrong.
Then by all means "Bang them up" and enforce the treatment that will stop them
being a danger to society.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 11:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yes...?
However, if the threat of prison isn't enough, then what? Prison deals with the symptom but not the cause in that case, and as teh gman says, it will simply perpetuate for decades...
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 11:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post I don't have the answers to fix the worlds ill's
I can however concentrate on helping myself and those in my immediate circle.

Now if only everyone thought like that and we got all those circles to overlap slightly things would be a little better.

But that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Until then, do your best and if you see something that's wrong make sure you voice that opinion and
maybe the little cunts will take the hint.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 12:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^This
all of it. But especially the mullets.

I come from a council estate. A broken home. But I made out OK in the end.

But then again, I came from a school that would cane you for the slightest infraction. A family that would go mental if the police ever had to come to our door and that would mean severe chastisement.

I also respected and feared the police. I didn't like the police but I made damn sure I kept under their radar. And the mere thought of the court system would turn my bones to water.

These kids? They've never had any sort of discipline, any sort of punishment. They laugh at the police and jeer at the judges. Without going full-on, all Daily Mail, what they need is a sharp bloody shock. And it should hurt. A lot.

(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 10:51, , Reply)