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This is a normal post I won't dispute your arguments about the individuals involved but I will dispute your proposed solution.
The 'drop state support and give them a kick up the arse' approach has been tested before in a place called America. It didn't work. In fact, somewhat counter-intuitively, things got worse.

See Detroit, Baltimore, Atlanta, LA & countless other impoverished urban environments.

Of course over there likes of Glenn Beck on the right wing argue that this is because the state support wasn't cut enough, but I lack the time to dispute their whole belief system.

Anyway, back to work for me. Stay safe out there B3tans!!!
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 10:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post I've only ever seen one thing that gets a chav off his arse and turning up someplace ontime
the words 'Otherwise we'll stop your benefits'.

Suddenly they get very focussed.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 11:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post You should drop in for chats more often you massive lurker.

(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 11:18, , Reply)