when a Russian breaks, there's a slightly smaller Russian inside
h3donist tryin' to play me out as if my name is Sega.., Thu 10 Jan 2013, 13:05,
/\ if you cut open a fat american theres a mexican inside,
trufax that i saw ion the tellybox onec had will smith in anice black suit to suit his nice black skin and ... oh hang on that was a mexican who had an alienz in side him . so sorta like russian doll but with mexicans and allieanz and
babaa black sheepo have you any wool yes sir yes sir
fluffybunnykiller Is feasting on the clitoris of life, Thu 10 Jan 2013, 13:21,
i think you have over done it on your meds again today.
miss fortunate last posted ages ago, Thu 10 Jan 2013, 13:28,
He's on meds and he still comes out with this shit?
Bloody hell.
Dawn Of The Bread $$$$ E-THUG 4 LIFE - THAT'S HOW I SCROLL $$$$, Thu 10 Jan 2013, 13:32,