Revenge II
'Top radio ‘personality’ Christian ‘The OC’ O’Connell once burnt my socks on a campfire whilst I was unconscious on vodka’ bellows Richard mcbeef. ‘One day I will take my revenge, and it will be sweet’. But what can’t *you* ever forgive or forget? What’s still eating you up after many years? Is that why you’re such a bitter, unpleasant person? Tell mummy all about it.
unknown, Fri 20 Nov 2015, 19:56)
this one's on topic so it should be ok

The Doveston haunted by the memory of his own amnesia, Tue 24 Nov 2015, 13:24,
5 replies)

tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 24 Nov 2015, 13:30,

The Doveston haunted by the memory of his own amnesia, Tue 24 Nov 2015, 13:32,

tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 24 Nov 2015, 14:00,

drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Tue 24 Nov 2015, 21:45,

broadsword now that's fresh, Tue 24 Nov 2015, 21:59,