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'Hullo chaps', bellows Richard McBeef, of 'the internet' fame. My boss has managed to make 'shown' into a two syllable word and it drives me round the fucking bend. Tell us about the little things that people around you do, which annoy you for more than they rationally should. Vent your spleen.

(, Fri 18 Mar 2016, 8:47)
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All the crud you have to wade through before the film actually starts
Here's the thing: NOBODY CARES which companies made it, funded it, co-assistant-produced it or any of the other twenty things that seem to require a logo and/or banner to be displayed. If, by the end of the film, I've been impressed, then AND ONLY THEN will I be interested in finding out who made it.

So stop stroking your shrivelled, flaccid members with splash screens, let us get on with actually watching the movie, and piss off back to the end credits where you belong.
(, Fri 18 Mar 2016, 15:07, 7 replies)
This used to be an issue
But about 10 years ago some bright spark pointed out you shouldn't get a credit for something you haven't done yet. Thankfully these days the majority of films just start. The thing that pisses me off is when I go to a cinema for a 8.30 start I want the film to start then, or maybe the trailers start then. In our local cinema the adverts start then. an 8.30 start means the film will start at 9.15.
(, Fri 18 Mar 2016, 15:28, closed)
This is why I prefer to watch films at our local theatre.
They might be a bit behind on release dates, but it's half the price, they sell booze, and there are no adverts. Lovely stuff, unless I want to watch a film around Christmas, in which case the panto is on all the time and I have to go without.
(, Fri 18 Mar 2016, 16:39, closed)
Well, to be fair
I've been to see films whereby one of the adverts was better than the film itself, so swings and roundabouts you know.
(, Sat 19 Mar 2016, 14:53, closed)
Disney DVDs are the worst
I once counted that they told us 14 times that it was a Disney production before the film actually ran.

There's sometimes an option "Fast start" - this actually takes longer, and tells you more times, than not clicking it...
(, Fri 18 Mar 2016, 17:03, closed)
"Enhanced with Disney's FastPlay™"
An excellent argument in favour of ripping DVDs (or just torrenting them).
(, Fri 18 Mar 2016, 17:41, closed)
I buy disks and then rip them
With unskippable adverts, warnings, trailers, comically stupid disclaimers about "points of views" in the commentary... ARGH!! Just let me get to the film.

I have now got in the habit of putting the disk in 20 minutes before I need to watch it. Or just plain rip it to my media centre for much cleaner watching.
(, Sat 19 Mar 2016, 14:50, closed)
Don't forget the "FBI warning"
Yeah, I spent money on this fucking DVD. You're preaching to the wrong person here, go and badger some freetard, not me.
(, Sat 19 Mar 2016, 14:53, closed)

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