Against Your Will
Our old pal Freddie Woo says: An ancient aunt once tried to kidnap me and leave me on an island after lying about the last ferry. Ever been forced to do something good or bad?
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 31 Jul 2014, 11:35)
Only in Soho where the queers cannot contain themselves.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Thu 31 Jul 2014, 13:12,
1 reply)
stag nights were invented in 1978 by the Gay Mafia to provide fresh sausaging material for Soho and CAnal Street.
True Story
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Thu 31 Jul 2014, 14:16,
The only thing true in that tale is the existence of the Gay mafia especially in Yorkshire.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Thu 31 Jul 2014, 14:30,
there are no gays in Yorkshire
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Thu 31 Jul 2014, 14:36,
That is what they like you to think.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Thu 31 Jul 2014, 15:50,
Despite the fact that all the men in Leeds call you 'Love'
and they claim it's the home of the full toss. Who are they kidding?
zebideedoodah likes florence but prefers venice, Thu 31 Jul 2014, 19:58,