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This is a question Airport Stories

Back when I was a moody teenager I took a cheap flight that involved changing planes and having to go through security again. My bags were pre-checked so, when I set off the metal detector, I honestly said to the security guy that I had no idea what had set it off.

Until, that is, he searched me and found the metal knife and fork stamped "KLM" I'd nicked off the previous flight.

Tell us your best airport stories.

(, Fri 3 Mar 2006, 10:09)
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druggy fool
the time i was coming back from amsterdam with a couple of mates, having spent a drug-fuelled 72 hours celebrating my 18th birthday comes to mind.

customs pulled us over and asked if we had visited any 'smoking cafes' while we were there. I replied that we had, but that we weren't stupid and knew that it was very illegal to bring anything into the UK, figuring that if I said we'd just been visiting art galleries, they'd know I was lying anyway.

so they took us off into cubicles and stripped us down to our boxer shorts, but left the search at that.

very trusting; taped behind my bollocks were bags of coke and skunk :-O

not big, or clever.
(, Sat 4 Mar 2006, 2:06, Reply)

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