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Home » Question of the Week » Airport Stories » Post 49969 | Search
This is a question Airport Stories

Back when I was a moody teenager I took a cheap flight that involved changing planes and having to go through security again. My bags were pre-checked so, when I set off the metal detector, I honestly said to the security guy that I had no idea what had set it off.

Until, that is, he searched me and found the metal knife and fork stamped "KLM" I'd nicked off the previous flight.

Tell us your best airport stories.

(, Fri 3 Mar 2006, 10:09)
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Hell,thy name is Orly.
There is no airport I have been in which is nastier or more frustrating than Orly. The one in Belize was cleaner and the one in Atlanta was easier to navigate.
I could trot out many a sorry tale of things that have gone wrong in that fluorescent-lit hellhole,but the simplest is my favourite:

We'd just returned from America on a pretty nice flight during which a friend had consumed too little water and too much Bailey's Irish Cream. She's getting greener by the second,but every loo seems to be either closed for 'cleaning'(right!) or full of fellow travellers looking grim-faced and unsympathetic to her plight.

Finally,she can hold out no longer. Like a delicate,vomit-filled fountain,said friend turned to the nearest potted plant and elegantly spewed in front of a huge crowd.

No one batted an eye.

Honestly,I think it made the place smell better. . .
(, Sun 5 Mar 2006, 20:08, Reply)

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